Many people usually complain that they are not losing weight/fat or reaching their target even after following healthy diet and regular exercise. This is one of the major reason due of which people gets de-motivated and almost 80percent of them leave everything. They do not even attempt further to lose weight after initial failures wherein they have tried their best for 3 to 6 months. Only about 20 percent go a step further to search out for the best trainer, seeks right guidance and find out the gaps or errors in their diet and way of exercises.
In such cases, as per my experience of 22 years in fitness industry with specialization in 16 techniques, I have observed that most of the people do not understand the body type and blindly follow others, intensity of workout that is required, some medical issue, follow right nutrition etc.
Here are the 4 steps that I would strongly recommend you to follow before you drop your interest and motivation to lose weight.
Stop following other’s plan:
Stop following others diet and exercise plan from internet or any other source which does not match with your requirement and lifestyle and it may not be suitable as per your fitness level.
Invest in good trainer:
Invest in a good trainer even though it might be expensive to understand correct form, technique, range of motion, intensity of workout and small steps which will take you to higher level of fitness without muscle wear and tear, understands body type, make you believe in yourself for challenging movements with the right guidance and will pull your potential out in effective manner and save your valuable time.
Watch your cheat meals:
I have seen that many people follow diet whole day but somewhere they do small cheats like adding sugary products or keep on taking bites of some fatty food. There are some people who follow diet for 4 to 5 days and thinks that 1 day cheat meal is allowed. However, this actually spoils their entire week’s hard work. It depends upon your body fat percentage whether you need to cheat in a week or once in 15 days. Ideally, you must break your diet only once in 15 days during the first phase of weight loss plan. After reaching your target, you are allowed to eat whatever you like once in a week while on other days you are supposed to follow good eating habits.
Challenge yourself:
Some people do not seem to challenge themselves while working out and do not come out from comfort zone which makes their workout ineffective as per their required intensity. This is the main reason that they do not progress and there is no fat loss. Sometimes, they tend to follow wrong form and range of motion which literally spoils 60 percent of their workout effect and they have quite high chances of injury.
Really so useful.